About TexasRealFood
The Lone Star Plate is produced by TexasRealFood, the #1 business directory & information resource for locally produced, real food in Texas
TexasRealFood is the most comprehensive business directory and information resource on the local food scene in Texas today. There are around 5,000 businesses listed in our directory that have been individually checked and verified, and we’re adding more every day.
Our Texas-only directory aims to list all local family farms and ranches, farmers markets, farm to table restaurants, artisan food producers, craft butchers, traditional bakeries and many more in the Lone Star State.
In short, all the small Texas food businesses who are looking to sell directly to customers, rather than large retailers and middlemen that reduce their income.
The local, sustainable food movement in Texas is a big tent with many different types of businesses, philosophies and ideas. We are all united by the belief that Texans are better off with a strong local food economy.
Consumers using TexasRealFood every day are Americans from Texas and beyond who are interested in putting local, sustainably produced and wholesome food on the family dinner table. They are also keen to support local food businesses and look for an alternative to the industrial food system.
Here at TexasRealFood, we believe that good food should be accessible to all. Your business is key to making that possible. That’s why we created our directory. Our directory allows consumers to search their city for local restaurants, stores, butchers, farmers, markets, ranchers and more. With a focus on sustainable and organic, fresh and artisanal sources, we aim to bring all-natural options, all together. The service is free for both businesses and consumers.