How to Spot Real vs Fake Leather

It's not always easy to determine whether a piece of leather is real or fake. However, there are some telltale signs that can help you make the distinction. In this article, we'll discuss how to spot real vs fake leather, as well as some tips on how to care for your leather belongings.

What is Genuine Leather?

Leather is a natural material that is made from the animal hide. It is often used to make clothes, shoes, and other accessories because it is durable and lasts for many years.

Grades of Genuine Leather

Leather is graded according to its quality, with the highest-quality leather being used to make luxury products. There are four main grades of leather:

1. Full-grain leather

2. Top-grain leather

3. Genuine leather

4. Bonded leather

Full-grain leather is the highest grade of leather and it is the most expensive. It is made from the finest hides, has a high quality, and lasts for many years.

Top-grain leather is the second highest grade of leather and it is also quite expensive. It is made from good quality hides, but it is not as durable as full-grain leather.

Genuine leather is the third highest grade of leather and it is the most common type of leather. It is made from lower quality hides, so it is not as durable as full-grain or top-grain leather. However, it is still a good choice for many people.

Bonded leather is the lowest grade of leather and it is the cheapest type of leather. It is made from scraps of real leather that have been bonded together with synthetic materials.

What is Bonded Leather?

Bonded leather is a type of fake leather that is made from scraps of real leather. It is often used to make cheap products because it is less expensive than other types of fake leather.

However, bonded leather is not as durable as real leather and it often looks and feels cheap. it's ALMOST real leather, but it's actually a machine made piece. A good indicator of bonded leather is the repeating pattern that can be seen.

Types of Fake Leather

There are a variety of different types of fake leather that are available on the market. Some of the most common types include pleather, leatherette, and vinyl.

Pleather is made from synthetic materials and it often looks and feels like real leather. However, pleather is not as durable as real leather and it can often be easily distinguished from the real thing.

Leatherette is also made from synthetic materials, but it is more durable than pleather. It also often looks and feels like real leather, making it a popular choice for many people.

Vinyl is the least expensive type of fake leather, but it also has the lowest quality. It often looks and feels like plastic, making it easy to distinguish from other types of fake leather

How can I spot fake leather?

There are several ways to spot fake leather, but some of the most common giveaways are the texture, smell, and appearance of the material.

Texture: Fake leather often has a shiny, plastic-like finish, while real leather is more matte. It will also feel rougher to the touch than fake leather.

Smell: Fake leather often smells like chemicals or plastic, while real leather has a more subtle, earthy smell which smells absolutely incredible.

Appearance: Fake leather is usually a lighter color than real leather, and it may have a more uniform appearance, usually too perfect.

Testing Leather with Fire

Testing fake leather with fire is a simple way to determine whether it is made from synthetic materials or not. All you need is a lighter and a piece of fake leather.

To test, hold the lighter close to the surface of the fake leather and burn it. If it is made from synthetic materials, it will likely melt and/or catch on fire. If it is made from real leather, the surface will simply char and there will be no lasting damage and a quick buff will fix it up in no time.

Testing Leather with Water

Leather can also be tested with water to see if it is real or fake. All you need is a bowl of water and a piece of leather.

To test, place the leather in the bowl of water and see if it sinks. If the leather is fake, it will likely float because it is made from synthetic materials. If the leather is real, it will sink because it is made from natural materials.

Smell the leather

The smell of real leather is earthy and subtle. It's a smell that you can't quite put your finger on, but you just know that it's special. It's the smell of something that's been made with care and precision, and it's a smell that you'll never forget.

Leather and Colors

Leather can come in a variety of colors, but just because a piece of leather is a certain color doesn't mean that it is real. There are many types of fake leather that can come in different colors, so color isn't always a reliable indicator of whether a piece of leather is real or not.

Is it better to buy real or fake leather?

There is no definitive answer when it comes to real vs fake leather – it largely depends on your personal preferences and what you are looking for in a piece of leather.

Real leather is often more expensive than fake leather, but it also has a higher quality and lasts longer. It is also easier to repair than fake leather. However, fake leather is more affordable and can come in a variety of colors.

Ultimately, it is up to you to decide what you think is better – real or fake leather. Just keep in mind the pros and cons of each before making your decision.

Does faux leather last longer than real leather?

Absolutely not. Real leather acts like skin and if there's anything that's durable versus the elements, then it's skin.

Why are leather goods so expensive?

Leather is a natural material and it takes a lot of time and effort to produce high-quality leather goods. Not only that, but real leather also lasts for many years, making it a worthwhile investment.

There is no easy answer when it comes to the question of whether luxury leather brands are worth it. On one hand, high-quality leather goods can last for many years, making them a worthwhile investment in the long run. On the other hand, these products are often quite expensive, so you need to be sure that you will use and enjoy them regularly.

Ultimately, it is up to you to decide whether a luxury leather brand is worth it for you. Just keep in mind the pros and cons of each before making your decision.

Need Help Identifying Genuine Leather?

You're in luck! We spoke with Leather Expert Tanner Leatherstein (apt name huh?) and he goes over the tips and tricks of the leather industry.

Check out our interview with Tanner Leatherstein here

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